What is SimMine?
SimMine is a world-class specialist mining simulation and optimisation software package.
SimMine takes a static mine design and makes it intelligent and dynamic. It is not only for mine development – it is designed for complete end-to-end mining operations.
Designed for anyone involved in mine design and planning, operations, and management, SimMine is a unique mine simulator that can directly import your mine layout to evaluate development rates and production plans.
This enables you to gain invaluable insights into potential bottlenecks and ensure more accurate and improved decision-making. Reduce costs and uncertainty using SimMine to drive down cost and establish accurate, achievable development rates.
Optimise your production and development fleet requirements and scheduling of underground development, and make sure your development project is completed on time and within budget.
- Development (Orebody Access)
- Mine Production (Stoping / Caving Operations)
- Equipment Optimisation (e.g. LHDs, Trucks, Conveyors, Bins / Silos, Crushers)
Visualise your mine with powerful 3D animations that is already coded in the software, displaying mine development sequences, equipment fleet movement and dynamic mining progress.

How SimMine Works
1. Import Your Mine Design
- SimMine can automatically import: section names, development sequences, section dependencies, rock types, face profiles and other key attributes
- Import Mine Centreline Drawing (.dwg / dxf), Mine2-4D®, or Deswik® mine designs
- Import the mine production plan
2. Setup Equipment & Operating Parameters
- Simple to use pre-built objects/modules with data and intelligence
- Access to equipment database with OEM performance characteristics
- Setup multiple development, mining cycles production plans and costs
- Define shift schedules, equipment parameters, pictures, animations, sections (via Deswick) and interdependencies
- Setup and link ore handling objects (conveyors, bins / silos, crushers, etc.)
3. Run Alternative Scenarios
- Easy-to-use scenario testing
- Validate your mine plan within SimMine
- View a standard set of results with common mining outputs: development / production rates, fleet utilisation, material handling systems
- Ability to export outputs to your database or Excel for additional analysis
- Shorten critical path for underground mine development to maximise mine revenue and earlier Return-on-Investment (ROI)
- Test alternative scenarios to optimise development plan and maximise rates (e.g. additional trackless equipment, operators, alternative shifts, multi-blast conditions, alternative shift schedules, ore handling and buffer system capacity)
- Dynamic simulation is the only tool that can capture the effect of variation (e.g. activity times), equipment interference and queuing and randomness (e.g. unplanned breakdowns)
- Test feasibility of long and short-term mine development and production schedules
- Identify critical paths and critical start dates in development projects
- Find the optimal equipment fleet size and procurement schedule, ore handling system capacity and shift schedule
- Quantify consumables & environmental factors (e.g. heat, noise, ventilation requirements etc.)
- Optimise Equipment Maintenance Schedule
- Analyse Projects costs and Resources Schedules
- Quickly identify System Bottlenecks
Easy Setup of Interdependencies & Sequences
- Eliminate Programming of several logical steps – including cycles and equipment movement. SimMine is a simulator so no coding is required!
- Multiple mine setups – including setup of Layout, Nodes / Stations, loading / dumping logic, dispatch logic
- Easy to setup in SimMine – requiring programming of several logical steps in other simulation packages
- Eliminate the need for mine layout setups – including layout-constrained equipment traffic control and dynamic distances needed in other discrete-event software packages
Comprehensive Standard Set of Outputs Generated
- Production & vehicle costs – various costs of production and vehicles
- Fleet utilisation – Operational, idle, shift breaks, unplanned and planned downtime
- Development Sequence – Detailed Gantt charts showing Section Development and Resource usage
- Periodic Development Stats – Tonnages, number of development stages, distance advance (meters)
- Ore/Waste Tonnes per resource – Transfer pass, Loading bay, Silo, etc.
- Activity waiting times – Cumulative face waiting times
- Vehicle consumption – Fuel and energy consumption, electricity usage, dust accumulation, ventilation
- Cycle time per heading – Net cycle time, gross cycle time
- Loading & transport stats – Periodic tonnes by rock type from various locations
- Summary outputs – Total vehicle distance, Total vehicle hours, Total vehicle rounds & costs
- Personalised reports – Create your own reports directly from the database with tools such as PowerBI, Tableau, etc.